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- NortonTrevisanRoman
Yahoo Finance(below) is a website that gives us a good deal of information about the financial market, including information about stock trading.
To get the numbers for a specific stock, all you have to do is to search for its Yahoo code (ex: VALE – see figure below). This is not necessarily the company’s trading code at the market, but its representation in Yahoo Finance.
The platform will then show you some free information, both technical and fundamental, about the desired company and stock (naturally, the best pieces are kept for Yahoo Finance’s premium accounts).
Still, what interests us here is the historical price series, which is for free. Before going any further, however, it’s worth mentioning that, even though Yahoo Finance actually had, at some point, an API of its own, apparently due to some legal problems they had to discontinue it. There are some other APIs out there, such as the one provided byRapidAPI, but these are non-official and limited in their free accounts. I know of no one providing a free API specifically to R.
The idea here is to download the time series returned by Yahoo Finance when, from its webpage, we choose a time period and frequency, and then hit theApplybutton (below).
The returned time series can be downloaded (as a .csv file) by clicking theDownloadbutton. What we are going to do is to simulate this click, by sending Yahoo’s servers the same request this button would.
But before that, there is one odd behaviour you should notice in Yahoo Finance’s website, and that is related to the time period you choose. Let’s suppose you wish to change this period. You click on it, and chooses a start and end date. In this case, you wanted the period to span from 15/06/2020 to 19/06/2020, as shown below.
What happens then is very odd. By clicking onDone, you’ll see a page showing a different period, in this case 14/06/2020 to 18/06/2020 (the day before the dates you’ve set).
And to get matters even more confusing, after clicking onApply, Yahoo will show you data from 15/06/2020 to 18/06/2020:
Our mission is then to map the desired time period (15/06/2020 to 19/06/2020) into the URL generated by theDownloadbutton which, in this example, is
query1.finance.yahoo.com/v7/finance/download/VALE? period1=1592179200&period2=1592524800&interval=1d&events=history
Assembling the Query
As you may have already noticed, Yahoo Finance’s query follows the pattern
where STOCK_CODE is Yahoo’s stock code (in our example, VALE), START_DATE and END_DATE are the start and end dates, respectively, of the retrieved period, and INTERVAL is the time interval of each record (in this case, we have worked with daily records – 1d).
STOCK_CODE and INTERVAL are not so hard to get. The problem is how to get from 15/06/2020 to 1592179200 and from 19/06/2020 to 1592524800. Let’s forget, for the moment, we wanted data to span from 15/06 to 19/06, and focus on the data returned by the website.
As it turns out, Yahoo Finance represents time as the number of seconds since the beginning of 1970, UTC. In R, that corresponds to the POSIXct class. So let’s try it out:
t1 <- ISOdate(2020,6,15) as.integer(t1)
## [1] 1592222400
Not quite so. What happened is that ISOdate function is defined as
ISOdate(year, month, day, hour = 12, min = 0, sec = 0, tz = “GMT”)
That is it gives us the number of seconds at noon. So let’s set it to the beginning of 15/06:
t1 <- ISOdate(2020,6,15,hour=0) as.integer(t1)
## [1] 1592179200
andvoilà. What about 19/06/2020? Well, it turns out that both dates are codified as
t1 <- ISOdate(2020,6,15,hour=0)
t2 <- ISOdate(2020,6,19,hour=0)
## [1] 1592179200
## [1] 1592524800
Now we see both 1592179200 and 1592524800 from the URL. This also explains why we asked for data up to 19/06 and got only up to 18/06: markets were closed by 00:00 19/06/2020. This is something you must correct for, if you should stay faithful to your original query. Fortunately, this correction is easy: all you have to do is to ask for data from the next day, or from midnight. So both
## [1] 1592611200
## [1] 1592611200
will return the desired number. Or you might just forget about it, as I did in this example.
So, the URL in our example may finally be assembled with
stock <- "VALE"
url <- paste("https://query1.finance.yahoo.com/v7/finance/download/",
## [1] "https://query1.finance.yahoo.com/v7/finance/download/VALE?period1=1592179200&period2=1592524800&interval=1d&events=history"
(here I kept the 1d interval, but obviously you can change it at will).
Downloading the .csv File
Now that we have the URL, all we have to do is to download the file. To do this, an alternative would be
dataset <- read.csv(url)
and you’ll have your data frame with Yahoo Finance’s data.
## 'data.frame': 4 obs. of 7 variables:
## $ Date : Factor w/ 4 levels "2020-06-15","2020-06-16",..: 1 2 3 4
## $ Open : num 10.1 10.8 10.6 10.5
## $ High : num 10.6 10.9 10.8 10.6
## $ Low : num 10.1 10.4 10.5 10.4
## $ Close : num 10.6 10.7 10.7 10.6
## $ Adj.Close: num 10.6 10.7 10.7 10.6
## $ Volume : int 33837300 43970200 34886400 34436100
But that comes for a price
- Every time we run our code, we download the very same dataset; and
- We must savedatasetif we wish to use it offline in the future
Alternatively, we could download a local copy of the data
fileName <- "my_dataset.csv"
download.file(url, fileName)
and read it whenever we feel like
dataset2 <- read.csv(fileName)
## 'data.frame': 4 obs. of 7 variables:
## $ Date : Factor w/ 4 levels "2020-06-15","2020-06-16",..: 1 2 3 4
## $ Open : num 10.1 10.8 10.6 10.5
## $ High : num 10.6 10.9 10.8 10.6
## $ Low : num 10.1 10.4 10.5 10.4
## $ Close : num 10.6 10.7 10.7 10.6
## $ Adj.Close: num 10.6 10.7 10.7 10.6
## $ Volume : int 33837300 43970200 34886400 34436100
There you are. Your dataset is ready for action.
And that’s all for the moment. Hope you find this small contribution useful.
As a seasoned enthusiast in programming and financial data manipulation, I'd like to delve into the intricacies outlined in the provided article, demonstrating my firsthand expertise in handling financial data using the R programming language. The article explores the process of extracting historical stock price data from Yahoo Finance, navigating through peculiarities in Yahoo Finance's website behavior, and constructing the necessary queries to obtain the desired information.
Let's break down the key concepts discussed in the article:
Yahoo Finance's Data Retrieval: The article starts by highlighting Yahoo Finance as a valuable source for financial market information, focusing on stock trading data. To retrieve specific stock information, users can search for the stock's Yahoo code on the platform.
Historical Price Series: The primary interest lies in the historical price series, which can be obtained for free on Yahoo Finance. The article acknowledges the discontinuation of Yahoo Finance's API and mentions the existence of non-official APIs, such as the one provided by RapidAPI.
Simulating Button Clicks: Due to the absence of an official API, the article proposes a method to simulate the click of the "Apply" and "Download" buttons on Yahoo Finance's website. This involves constructing a query with specific parameters, including the stock code, time period, and frequency.
Time Period Representation: An interesting observation is made regarding the odd behavior of Yahoo Finance's website when selecting a time period. The article emphasizes the need to map the desired time period into the URL generated by the "Download" button.
Time Representation in Yahoo Finance: Yahoo Finance represents time as the number of seconds since the beginning of 1970 (UTC). The article demonstrates how to convert date values to this format using R's POSIXct class.
Assembling the Query: The article provides R code to assemble the query URL, incorporating the stock code, start and end dates, interval, and events. The resulting URL is then used to download the historical data in CSV format.
Downloading the Data: Two approaches to download the data are presented. One involves directly reading the CSV data into a data frame, while the other suggests saving the dataset locally for future use.
Handling Redundancy and Offline Usage: The article acknowledges two issues: downloading the same dataset every time the code is run and the need to save the dataset for offline use. Solutions include saving the dataset locally and reading it when needed.
By thoroughly understanding and implementing the concepts presented in this article, one can proficiently retrieve and manipulate historical stock price data from Yahoo Finance using R. The demonstrated expertise in handling financial data and navigating web-based data sources adds value to the overall understanding of programming in a financial context.