How Many Tomato Plants in a Raised Bed? (Chart With Exact Numbers) (2024)

A raised bed is a great way to garden if you have limited space or poor soil quality. You can grow a lot of plants in raised garden beds, including juicy tomatoes.

But just how many tomato plants will fit in a raised bed? Let’s figure out how many fit in a square foot, and then we can determine the total you can fit in your raised bed.

How Many Tomato Plants Per Square Foot

Of course, the answer is that it depends. But let’s dig into that more. The main reason it’s going to depend on is what type of tomato plant you’re growing in your raised garden bed.

How Many Tomato Plants in a Raised Bed? (Chart With Exact Numbers) (1)

Determinate vs Indeterminate Tomatoes

If you’ve never heard these terms before, it can be a little confusing, but once you understand it’s pretty simple.

Determinate tomatoes are those that only have one harvest. They grow all of their tomato fruits at one time, and then they stop producing for the season. Determinate tomatoes tend to be shorter (around 2-4 feet tall), are bushier, and don’t need to be pruned as much. Since you’re trying to maximize the harvest you don’t want to cut off any potential branches with flowers on them.

With determinates, you probably want to space tomato plants around 24-36 inches apart in order to make sure you have enough room. Roma tomatoes are one common variety of determinate tomatoes.

Indeterminate tomatoes continuously produce tomatoes throughout the growing season. Indeterminate plants usually get to around 4-6 feet tall and can be pruned more to get them to focus on growing one main stem vs a lot of bushy branches.

Since determinate tomato plants are much bushier than indeterminates, they need a little more growing space, which is why the type matters when we’re trying to determine how much space they need.

How Far Apart to Plant Tomatoes

The general rule of thumb on any tomato seed packet is going to tell you that you need to leave 18-24 inches between tomato plants.

For an indeterminate variety that you’re going to be diligent in pruning, that’s probably enough. You may want to leave a little more room between determinate varieties that will get bushier by nature.

Here are the numbers I use when spacing out tomato plants. Now, of course with the larger beds, you might not be planting all tomatoes, so these numbers are not hard and fast rules.

WidthLengthTotal Tomato Plants
2×4 Raised Bed2 Feet4 Feet4
3×5 Raised Bed3 Feet5 Feet7
3×6 Raised Bed3 Feet6 Feet9
4×4 Raised Bed4 Feet4 Feet8
4×8 Raised Bed4 Feet8 Feet16
4×12 Raised Bed4 Feet12 Feet24
8×8 Raised Bed8 Feet8 Feet32

If you’re using the square foot gardening method, you can be planting one plant per square foot in your grid.

To get this high number of plants in the space, you’re going to want to be diligent with pruning (if necessary) and trellising. If you know that you aren’t going to be able to keep up with that, you might want to give them a little more space.

Trellising Your Tomato Plants

Using a trellis is going to be a great way to better “control” the plant’s growth and make sure you don’t end up with a tomato jungle, and poor air circulation for the plants.

Without proper airflow, your tomato plants are more likely to contract a disease or spread pests around.

How Many Tomato Plants in a Raised Bed? (Chart With Exact Numbers) (2)

I like to use a florida weave trellis to help keep tomatoes upright and be able to be more nimble with them as they grow. All you need is some garden jute (twine) and T-posts or another taller support.

While this isn’t in a raised bed, this concept still works great with T-posts and other supports.

And no, my twine isn’t blue and red, I just drew those lines on to help you visualize it. 🙂

How Many Plants in a Raised Bed

You have the numbers broken down above in the chart, but let’s talk through some of these common raised bed sizes.

Each of the squares in the diagrams below is a square foot.

How Many Tomato Plants in a 4×4 Raised Bed?

In a 4×4 raised bed, you can properly space 8 tomato plants. You want to leave a square foot between each plant to ensure you have space for them to properly spread out. While some people would put more space between, if you follow the square foot gardening method you know that this will work.

Eight plants is a good number in this size if they are indeterminate. If you’re growing determinate varieties, you might want to consider only four plants.

How Many Tomato Plants in a Raised Bed? (Chart With Exact Numbers) (3)

How Many Tomato Plants in a 4×8 Raised Bed?

In a 4×4 foot raised bed you can fit 16 plants.

Similar to the other grids, you’ll want to leave a square foot between each single tomato plant to ensure they have a decent amount of space to spread out in your raised beds.

How Many Tomato Plants in a Raised Bed? (Chart With Exact Numbers) (4)

How Many Tomato Plants in a 4×12 Foot Raised Bed?

In a 4×12 foot raised bed, you can fit around 24 tomato plants.

How Many Tomato Plants in a Raised Bed? (Chart With Exact Numbers) (5)

That’s a LOT of tomatoes! 🙂 Of course, you don’t need to grow tomatoes in every spot of this grid, but I created it to give you an idea of what that would look like.

Pruning Your Tomato Plants

Pruning is going to be critical in making sure your tomato plants not get “unruly” if you know what I mean. Believe it or not, tomatoes want to grow along the ground as they are vining plants.

With determinate tomatoes, you don’t need to prune them, and honestly I wouldn’t. You only get a set amount of fruits off of these plants so pruning off the suckers can mean that you are removing branches that will end up producing tomatoes.

However, with indeterminate varieties you’ll want to prune your tomato plant. At the beginning of the season, you want to wait until there are at least 5 branches before you start pruning tomatoes in your raised beds.

Once your plants are more established, you’ll start seeing these new growths coming off of the main stem. These are called tomato suckers, and you want to remove them to help the main stem stay the main stem. If you let every branch grow out, your plants will get quite unruly and not focus their attention on growing flowers, which lead to tomatoes.

For a bigger harvest, pruning is critical when growing tomatoes.

How Many Tomato Plants in a Raised Bed? (Chart With Exact Numbers) (6)

Proper Spacing for Tomato Plants

Spacing tomato plants is an art, and it really depends on your varieties, how long your growing season is, and how diligent you are with pruning.

Good spacing technique will give your tomatoes better air circulation and a large harvest.

Now that you know how many tomatoes to put in your raised bed, you might be interested in how I like to fill the bottom of the raised bed cheaply, because adding that much soil can get expensive!

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I'm an expert and enthusiast assistant with a deep understanding of a wide range of topics. My knowledge is based on a vast array of reputable sources, and I can provide accurate and detailed information on various subjects. I'm here to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have.

Raised Bed Gardening and Tomato Planting

A raised bed is an excellent gardening solution for limited spaces or poor soil quality. It allows for efficient plant growth and management. When it comes to growing tomato plants in raised garden beds, the number of plants that can fit depends on various factors, including the type of tomato plant and proper spacing.

Determinate vs. Indeterminate Tomatoes:

  • Determinate tomatoes produce all their fruits at once and then stop producing for the season. They tend to be shorter, bushier, and require less pruning. Examples of determinate tomatoes include Roma tomatoes.
  • Indeterminate tomatoes continuously produce fruits throughout the growing season and can grow taller. They can be pruned to focus on growing one main stem.

Spacing and Planting:

  • The general rule of thumb for spacing tomato plants is 18-24 inches apart, but this can vary based on the type of tomato and the level of pruning.
  • In a raised bed, the number of tomato plants that can fit depends on the bed's dimensions. For example, in a 4x4 raised bed, you can properly space 8 tomato plants, while in a 4x12 raised bed, you can fit around 24 tomato plants.

Pruning and Trellising:

  • Pruning is critical for indeterminate tomato plants to prevent them from becoming unruly and to focus their energy on fruit production.
  • Using a trellis can help control the plant's growth and ensure proper air circulation, reducing the risk of disease.

Proper Spacing and Harvest:

  • Proper spacing and pruning techniques can lead to better air circulation and a larger harvest of tomatoes in raised beds.

I hope this information helps you make the most of your raised bed gardening and tomato planting endeavors! If you have any further questions or need more details, feel free to ask.

How Many Tomato Plants in a Raised Bed? (Chart With Exact Numbers) (2024)
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