How much for a baby shower gift? Our Spending Guide (2024)

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How much for a baby shower gift? Our Spending Guide (1)

How much for a baby shower gift? Our Spending Guide


Is there a baby shower in your future? Need to find the perfect gift for the mom-to-be? We have you covered!

We have this guide broken into 3 kinds of baby showers - pick the one that relates to you.

How much for a baby shower gift? Our Spending Guide (2)

Yay! Congratulations - a new baby will soon be added to your tribe! Attending a baby shower for a family member is extra special. Going to this party will be a fun gathering of familiar faces and there is no doubt that you want a baby shower gift that is personal and useful.

Knowing how much to spend on a baby gift will first depend on your budget. No one wants you to go into debt to buy a gift. Average gifts from family members range from $50to $200. A cousin might spend $50, while a grandma or close Aunt might aim for a higher priced gift. If it's a really close friend,your budget might hover around $100.

No matter what you choose to spend on the baby shower gift, remember to try to find a balance between what the mom-to-be has registered for and something unique or personal. You want your loved one to "remember" that you gave her a special, useful item.


Gifts We Like To Give

  • Baby Carrier (aka front pack or wrap/sling) - We love gifting this because it will get uses ALOT. The new mom will be thanking you silently in her head every time she puts it on. There are a variety on the market that are all wonderful so it really comes down to personal preference. For this item - we'd stick with what mom-to-be has on the registry.
  • Accessories for the Stroller - It might be too big of an ask to go all-in for the stroller system but if you know what stroller the mom is registered for, you can take care of the much-enjoyed accessories. These include organizers/caddies, snack trays, cup holders, ride-along boards (for older siblings), rain shields and hooks. Again, these are really useful items that will get used over and over earning lots of gratitude from the new parents.
  • A Bathtime Bundle - Bathtime can really be a wonderful bonding time with baby. Getting the baby tub, shampoo, washcloths, toys, towels and even an apron from mom/dad that can foster a fun experience. Don't be afraid to get things that will work for the older infant. The best gifts lasts longer and grow with baby. Plus a bundle of items can be arranged in the baby tub or a basket to make a beautiful presentation at the baby shower.


Gifts WeDon'tLikeTo Give

  • Baby Clothes - This is a tried and true favorite ofmany baby shower gifters which also makes it very common. We all love an adorable outfitbut aside from the fact that most clothes gifted are too small (never gift newborn size btw), they also get grown out of really quickly. If you want your gift to have impact and be memorable, stay away from those cute little onesies.

How much for a baby shower gift? Our Spending Guide (3)

When trying to decide how much to spend for a baby shower gift for a friend or distant relative, we aim to spend between $40 and $80. What you choose to buy in this budget will depend on how well you know the mom-to-be. Most new mom's have a baby registry that will give you an idea of what has already been purchased and what she is in need of.

That being said, don't be afraid of straying from the registry list if you want to get something more personal or unique. If you have experience with a product that you love but it's not on her registry - go for it! Just don't forget the gift receipt in case she needs to make an exchange (and don't get offended if she does.)


Gifts WeLikeTo Give

  • Diaper Cake- If you're feeling a bit creative, bundling diapers, covering them with a swaddle blanket and topping it was a cute bow is a great show-stopper to bring to the party. Youtube is filled with how-to videos that will help you make a beautiful arrangement.
  • Portable Playard-We love how essential this piece of baby gear is whether at home or traveling. Go for portability and ease of use, and stay away from gimicky add-ons.
  • Gift Cards - If you aren't attending the baby shower, a gift card is perfectly acceptable to mail to the new parents. The gift card doesn't have to be for a baby-specific store - gift cards to grocerystores, restaurants (with dine-out options), Target, Amazon would all be welcomed.


Gifts WeDon'tLikeTo Give

  • Anything that Doesn't Have a Gift Receipt Included-If you are giving a gift to someone whom you aren't very close with, you should ALWAYS include a gift receipt. You can discreetly tape it to the box or include it with the card. Bonus points if you write the name of the item on the top of the receipt for easy reference. The reason for this is because it can be really awkward (and time consuming) for a mom-to-be to ask for a gift receipt because she needs to return or exchange an item. She has enough on her plate, right?

How much for a baby shower gift? Our Spending Guide (4)

If you have a client or employee expecting a new baby - you have a wonderful opportunity to show appreciation and support! We recommend a budget of $50 to $150 depending on how close you are to the expecting parents.

When choosing the gift, it will always go a long way if you opt for buying something unique and/or highly useful. This will show a higher level of appreciation. Where you shop will also make a difference. Several items that are bought at a discount storemight give off anegative impression especially if you are buying for a client. We recommendchoosing one or two higher quality items rather than several inexpensive products.

BTW - if your client or employee is a dad-to-be, our New Dad 6-pack is afan-favorite gift!



Gifts WeLikeTo Give

  • Family Portrait Mini-Session- Lots of local photographers and studios offer mini sessions that make great gift certificates. This kind of gift will be highly appreciated andunique and reflect favorably on your company. This makes a great group gift too.
  • Diapers - So many diapers will be needed for the new baby that new parents will never turn them away (unless they are too small! We love size 2s for gifting large quantities.)


Gifts WeDon'tLikeTo Give

  • Anything that Relates to Breastfeeding/Nursing - Although highly useful, this is a personal area that we suggest avoiding for co-workers, employees and clients.

Of course - at the end of the day, you need to spend what you want to spend, give what you think the mom-to-be will enjoy and use. And of course, after baby is born, be sure to check in and see if the new parents need any help. Even a small gesture can be greatly appreciated.


We offer a variety of gift bundles - check them out here!

How much for a baby shower gift? Our Spending Guide (6)

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How much for a baby shower gift? Our Spending Guide (2024)


How much for a baby shower gift? Our Spending Guide? ›

If you have a client or employee expecting a new baby - you have a wonderful opportunity to show appreciation and support! We recommend a budget of $50 to $150 depending on how close you are to the expecting parents.

What is a reasonable amount to spend on a baby shower gift? ›

We'll break it down by relationship: For coworkers or acquaintances, people tend to spend around $30 to $50. For friends or distant relatives, many people spend between $50 and $100. For close friends or family members, most people spend between $100 and $200 or more.

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Just over half of respondents said that a baby shower gift for a close friend or family member should fall between $50 and $100. Based on this data, and assuming you're able, we'd recommend that you spend between $50 and $100 on a baby shower gift for your closest friends and family members.

How much should a sister in law spend on a baby shower gift? ›

Sister in Law — Depending on the relationship you have with the sister in law you are expected to buy a good gift. As a sister in law, you will most likely have a fair bit to do with the baby. Therefore spending between $50 and $70 is appropriate.

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"Hello, lovely friends! As you know, my [occasion] is coming up, and I have a big dream I'd love to turn into reality. Rather than traditional gifts, I'm reaching out to ask if you would consider contributing towards making my dream come true / my bucket list.

What is the appropriate amount for a shower gift? ›

The Knot suggests an attendee should spend between 50 to 75 dollars on a shower gift. (However, if you also got the couple an engagement gift, the 20-20-60 rule can also apply—so your shower gift should cost 20 percent of your total budget.)

What is the average price of a shower gift? ›

The standard amount to spend on a bridal shower gift is around $50-$75. If you're invited to a bridal shower but not particularly close with the bride, expect to spend at least $25. Regular friends, co-workers, or distant family members should consider spending up to $75 if they have the budget to spare.

Is it better to give cash or gift card for baby shower? ›

That's exactly why gift cards are the perfect gift for baby showers and similar occasions. Since you can't be sure what parents are in need of for the delivery of their new baby, it's better to just leave the final decisions in their hands with a gift card to an appropriate retailer.

What is baby shower gift etiquette? ›

Can You Go Without A Gift? Never show up to a baby shower without a gift in hand! That being said, you're not required to buy a gift from the registry. Feel free to shop around and choose any special gift for the new little one (and their mommy!).

What's a good baby shower gift? ›

Best Gear Baby Shower Gifts
  • Best Gear Baby Shower Gifts. ...
  • A Diaper Bag That Doubles As A Stylish Backpack. ...
  • A Sleek Crib With Plenty Of Mileage. ...
  • A Bouncer For Hands-Free Moments. ...
  • A Jogging Stroller That Can Go Anywhere. ...
  • A Lightweight Carrier That Provides Years Of Use. ...
  • Transportation They'll Use For Years.
Feb 2, 2024

What is a monetary gift for a baby shower? ›

Although it is completely acceptable to ask for cash gifts for a baby shower, it can feel uncomfortable posing the question to guests. And understandably so. It is a less traditional approach to a baby gift. However, if money is what the parents-to-be need, then it should be stated in the invitation.

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In summary, you don't have to break the bank to provide memorable and practical baby shower prizes. With inexpensive gifts under $10 and DIY prize options, you can make your special day even more exceptional for your guests while sticking to your budget!

What to give for baby shower prizes? ›

The following baby shower game prize ideas are not only cute but also thoughtful and funny:
  • Teddy Bear With a Single Rose. Who doesn't think a little teddy is just adorable? ...
  • Mini Bottle of Sparkling Wine. ...
  • Jar of DIY Sweet Iced Tea. ...
  • Flower Pot With Seeds. ...
  • Funny T-Shirt. ...
  • Book Lover's Prize. ...
  • Baker's Prize Set. ...
  • Cook's Prize Set.
Jul 14, 2021

How much do people spend on a baby shower gift? ›

Average gifts from family members range from $50 to $200. A cousin might spend $50, while a grandma or close Aunt might aim for a higher priced gift. If it's a really close friend, your budget might hover around $100.

When you host a baby shower do you pay for everything? ›

So it is normal for the cost to be split between the host and the key organisers. This way the cost is shared with her closest family and friends. Guests are not expected to pay for attending the baby shower.

What can I ask for instead of cards for a baby shower? ›

Secondly, books are so much more personal. You can even write a heartfelt message inside the cover, just like with a card! A book themed or library themed baby shower is a quick and easy way to build your child's home library.

What are monetary gifts for baby shower? ›

Although it is completely acceptable to ask for cash gifts for a baby shower, it can feel uncomfortable posing the question to guests. And understandably so. It is a less traditional approach to a baby gift. However, if money is what the parents-to-be need, then it should be stated in the invitation.

What do you give at a baby shower? ›

If you've been invited to your first shower, you'll want to find a present that stands out from the pastel-hued competition. Good baby shower gifts will celebrate the upcoming arrival and also help the parents prepare. So useful ideas include nappies, clothes, blankets, toys, and books.

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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.