Number Names 1 to 40 - Spelling, Numbers in Words 1 to 40 (2024)

Number names 1 to 40 represent numbers from 1 to 40 in the word format. Few examples of number names 1 to 40 are 36 written as Thirty-six, 28 written asTwenty-eight, 17 written as Seventeen, and so on. In this article, we have simplified all the rules that are to be followed when writing numbers in words from 1 to 40.

1.Number Names 1 to 40 Chart
2.Numbers in Words 1 to 40
3.Rules to Write 1 to 40 Number Names
4.Numbers in Words 1 to 40 Examples
5.FAQs on Number Names 1 to 40

Number Names 1 to 40 Chart

Printable number names 1 to 40 chart is provided to help kids with 1 to 40 spelling. For quick learning, kids can be prompted to call out numbers in things around them.

Number Names 1 to 40 - Spelling, Numbers in Words 1 to 40 (1)

Numbers in Words 1 to 40

Numbers in words 1 to 40 can help kids learn how to write any number from 1 to 40 in words given its numerical form. Number names 1 to 40 are listed in the table below.

List of Number Names from 1 to 40

1 = One2 = Two
3 = Three4 = Four
5 = Five6 = Six
7 = Seven8 = Eight
9 = Nine10 = Ten
11 = Eleven12 = Twelve
13 = Thirteen14 = Fourteen
15 = Fifteen16 = Sixteen
17 = Seventeen18 = Eighteen
19 = Nineteen20 = Twenty
21 = Twenty-one22 = Twenty-two
23 = Twenty-three24 = Twenty-four
25 = Twenty-five26 = Twenty-six
27 = Twenty-seven28 = Twenty-eight
29 = Twenty-nine30 = Thirty
31 = Thirty-one32 = Thirty-two
33 = Thirty-three34 = Thirty-four
35 = Thirty-five36 = Thirty-six
37 = Thirty-seven38 = Thirty-eight
39 = Thirty-nine40 = Forty

Download Number Names 1 to 40 Chart

We have provided a downloadable reference sheet with the above information in an easy-to-print format. Students can practice number names from 1 to 40 for a better understanding of the decimal number system.

Rules to Write Numbers from 1 to 40 Spelling

Certain rules can be followed while writing the spelling of numbers from 1 to 40. These rules are explained here in detail.

Rule 1: Understand place values: We can express the positional value of digits in a number depending upon where they are placed. Here's how to distinguish between the first 4 place values based on the position of 1:

  • 1 = the ones place
  • 10 = the tens place
  • 100 = the hundreds place
  • 1000 = the thousands place

Rule 2: For numbers 1-20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, and 1000, we can directly refer to the number names 1 to 40 chart to write their spellings. For example, the number name of 5 is Five, the number name of 14 is Fourteen, the number name of 30 is Thirty, and so on.

Rule 3: To write number names of multiples of 100 between 100 and 1000, we simply write the number name of the digit in the hundreds place and add the word “hundred”. For example, the number name of 500 is Five hundred.

Rule 4: To write number names of other 2 or 3-digit numbers, we write their expanded form. For numbers having (11-19) as their two last digits, we take the ones and tens place as a single unit. We then spell all addends and combine their respective names. For example, 37 = 30 + 7, and 37 in words is written as Thirty-seven.

FAQs on Number Names 1 to 40

What do Number Names 1 to 40 Mean?

Number names 1 to 40 are the cardinal numbers from 1 to 40 written in their word form. To write 1 to 40 in words, we use the place value ones, tens, hundreds, and thousands. For example, 30 is written as “thirty”.

How to Write Numbers in Words 1 to 40?

To write number names from 1 to 40, we follow certain rules. The given number is written in the expanded form, such that the digits in the ones and tens place are taken as a single unit, i.e. 27 = 20 + 7. Then, write and combine the respective names of all the addends using the general rules, as shown below, 20 + 7 = Twenty-seven.

What is the Value of 94 + 23 - 89 + 13 in Words?

On simplifying 94 + 23 + 13 gives, 130 and 130 - 89 = 41

Now, using numbers in words 1 to 40 chart, 41 in words is written as:

⇒ 40 + 1 = Forty + One = Forty-one

∴ 94 + 23 - 89 + 13 in words can be spelled as forty-one.

How do you Write the Number Names from 25 to 31?

From number names 1 to 40 chart, the numbers in words from 25 to 30 are given below:

  • Twenty-five
  • Twenty-six
  • Twenty-seven
  • Twenty-eight
  • Twenty-nine
  • Thirty

What does Forty Three Times Five equal? Express in Words.

Using numbers from 1 to 40 spelling chart, the numeral for forty three is 43. Now, 43 × 5 = 215

⇒ 215 in words is written as two hundred fifteen.

What is the Number Name of XXVII Roman Numerals?

XXVII roman numbers in numbers are written as 27. Now, using number names 1 to 40 chart, the number name for XXVII (27) can be written as, XXVII = 27 = 20 + 7 = Twenty-seven.

Number Names 1 to 40 - Spelling, Numbers in Words 1 to 40 (2024)


What is the spelling of 40 in words? ›

The number 40 is spelled forty despite the fact that four contains a u. Even though it is often misspelled fourty, the only widely accepted spelling of the number is forty.

How do you write this number using words 40? ›

40 in words is written as “Forty”. 40 is a two-digit number that has two place values, ones and tens. It represents a count, quantity or value.

How do you spell 1 to 100 in words? ›

1 - One, 2 - Two, 3 - Three, 4 - Four, 5 - Five, 6 - Six, 7 - Seven, 8 - Eight, 9 - Nine, 10 - Ten, 11 - Eleven, 12 - Twelve, 13 - Thirteen, 14 - Fourteen, 15 - Fifteen, 16 - Sixteen, 17 - Seventeen, 18 - Eighteen, 19 - Nineteen, 20 - Twenty, and so on.

How do you write forty one in words? ›

41 in words is written as Forty-one. In both the International System of Numerals and the Indian System of Numerals, 41 is written as Forty-one. The number 41 is a Cardinal Number as it could represent some quantity. For example, “there are 41 students present in the class”.

How do you spell 40 like $40? ›

Is it forty or fourty dollars? Forty dollars is correct. Forty is the correct spelling of the cardinal number used to indicate a quantity of something. “Fourty” is sometimes used instead of forty, but this is incorrect.

How do you write 40 to 50 in words? ›

Then, the following numbers start from (41) forty-one, (42) forty-two, (43) forty-three, (44) forty-four, (45) forty-five, (46) forty-six, (47) forty-seven, (48) forty-eight, (49) forty-nine, (50) fifty.

What does 40 words look like? ›

A 40 word count will create about 0.1 pages with single spacing or 0.2 pages double-spaced when using normal 1-inch margins, 12 pt. Arial font, and a standard A4 (letter size) page size.

How is the number 40 written? ›

The correct spelling of the number 40 is forty. In modern times, fourty is incorrect, although in the past this was likely the original spelling. Nowadays, forty is the accepted spelling and fourty is considered a mistake.

What is 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 all the way to 100? ›

The answer is 5050, it's a programming exercise I sometimes set. Mathematically though you can do this in your head far faster than you can write a program to do it. How many of these sums are there? Clearly there are 100/2 = 50 sums.

Which number from 1 to 100 have a in the spelling? ›

There are no numbers with the letter “a” in them up until 1,000 [one thousand]. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen. Twenty, thirty, fourty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, hundred.

What is this number 1000000000000000000000000? ›

A thousand trillions is a quadrillion: 1,000,000,000,000,000. A thousand quadrillions is a quintillion: 1,000,000,000,000,000,000.

How do you write 40 in words? ›

40 in words is written as Forty.

What is 40 as a number? ›

40 (forty) is the natural number following 39 and preceding 41. Though the word is related to four (4), the spelling forty replaced fourty during the 17th century and is now the standard form.

How to write 42 in words? ›

42 in words is written as “Forty-two”. 42 is a two-digit number that has two place values, ones and tens.

Is fourty correct in check? ›

If you're wondering whether using "fourty" is correct when writing about money, it's not. (Sorry.) The correct spelling is always forty dollars and never fourty dollars (and would make a mess if you wrote "fourty" on a check or an online payment portal).

Is it fourty or forty five? ›

Forty-five is the correct spelling. While “fourty” is sometimes used instead of forty, “fourty” is not a real word and should be avoided.

Is fourty two correct? ›

42 in words is written as “Forty-two”.

Why was fourty changed to forty? ›

Why did forty replace fourty? The word fourty was commonly used from the 12th to the 15th century. However, the use of the word fourty reduced in the initial decades of the 15th century. The reason for this was various shifts in the usage of vowels during this time.

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