Weather in Nashville in november: Temperature, Rainfall, Sunshine... for November 2024! - United States (2024)

Weather in Nashville in november 2024

The weather in Nashville in the month of november comes from statistical datas on the last years. You can view the weather statistics the entire month, but also navigating through the tabs for the beginning, the middle and the end of the month.

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  • Mid-month
  • End of the month

Average weather throughout november

tolerable weather 22.2cm

Weather at 6am

Weather in Nashville in november: Temperature, Rainfall, Sunshine... for November 2024! - United States (1)Clear/Sunny
46% of time

Weather in Nashville in november: Temperature, Rainfall, Sunshine... for November 2024! - United States (2)


Weather in Nashville in november: Temperature, Rainfall, Sunshine... for November 2024! - United States (3)


Weather in Nashville in november: Temperature, Rainfall, Sunshine... for November 2024! - United States (4)


Weather in Nashville in november: Temperature, Rainfall, Sunshine... for November 2024! - United States (5)


Weather at 12pm

Weather in Nashville in november: Temperature, Rainfall, Sunshine... for November 2024! - United States (6)Clear/Sunny
54% of time

Weather in Nashville in november: Temperature, Rainfall, Sunshine... for November 2024! - United States (7)


Weather in Nashville in november: Temperature, Rainfall, Sunshine... for November 2024! - United States (8)


Weather in Nashville in november: Temperature, Rainfall, Sunshine... for November 2024! - United States (9)


Weather in Nashville in november: Temperature, Rainfall, Sunshine... for November 2024! - United States (10)


Weather at 3am

Weather in Nashville in november: Temperature, Rainfall, Sunshine... for November 2024! - United States (16)


Weather in Nashville in november: Temperature, Rainfall, Sunshine... for November 2024! - United States (17)


Weather in Nashville in november: Temperature, Rainfall, Sunshine... for November 2024! - United States (18)


Weather in Nashville in november: Temperature, Rainfall, Sunshine... for November 2024! - United States (19)


Weather in october in Nashville

Weather in december in Nashville

Evolution of daily average temperature and precipitation in Nashville in november

These charts show the evolution of average minimum/maximum temperatures as well as average daily precipitation volume in Nashville in november.

The climate of Nashville in november is tolerable

the weather in Nashville in november is rather dry (with 3.3in of precipitation over 5 days). This is better than the previous month since in october it receives an average of 4.7in of precipitation over 6 days.

The climate is fairly cool in that locality november, but it is livable when dressing hot. The thermometer averaged maximum of 59°F. On average, the recorded minimum temperature is 45°F. Thus, the mean temperature average in november in Nashville is 52°F. Note that these seasonal averages are in contrast with those observed in Nashville in the month of november with a maximum record of 85°F in 2016 and a minimum record of 18°F in 2019. You need to prepare to have about 4 days with temperatures down below 32°F, or 13% of time.

On average, in Nashville, the days of november last 10:15. The sun rises at 06:24 and sunset is at 16:39.

With a correct weather, this month is okay (but not good) to go in Nashville in United States.

Nashville: another month?

If you can push the dates of your trip to Nashville forward, the month of december has a better weather forecast than november.more information

November: another location in the United States (USA)?

If you want to go to the United States (USA) in november, there are destinations with better weather than Nashville:

In november,Phoenix (Arizona) and McAllen have perfect weather.

Furthermore,California, Louisiana, Dallas, Hawaii (Honolulu), Miami (Florida) and Austin have good weather.

more information about United States's weather in november

Seasonal average climate and temperature of Nashville in november

Check below seasonal norms These datas are set from the weather statements of the last years of the month of november.

Outside temperature
Average temperature63°F52°F45°F
Highest temperature72°F59°F50°F
Lowest temperature54°F45°F40°F
Highest record temperature94°F
Lowest record temperature31°F
Number of days at +86°F2 day(s)
0 day(s)
0 day(s)
Number of days at +65°F24 day(s)
9 day(s)
3 day(s)
Number of days at -32°F0 day(s)
4 day(s)
11 day(s)
Wind speed14km/h15km/h16km/h
Wind temperature52°F40°F34°F
Precipitation (rainfall)
Number of days with rainfall6 day(s)
5 day(s)
7 day(s)
Record daily rainfall3.2in
Other climate data
Cloud cover33%34%50%
UV index543
Daily sunshine hours1087
Sunrise and sunset
Time of sunrise05:5406:2406:51
Time of sunset17:1116:3916:34
Length of day11:1710:1509:43
Our opinion about the weather in november
Our opinion at whereandwhen.netgoodtolerablevery bad

How was the weather last november?

Here is the day by day recorded weather in Nashville in november 2023:

Weather in Nashville in november: Temperature, Rainfall, Sunshine... for November 2024! - United States (20)
31°F to 50°F

Weather in Nashville in november: Temperature, Rainfall, Sunshine... for November 2024! - United States (21)
36°F to 59°F

Weather in Nashville in november: Temperature, Rainfall, Sunshine... for November 2024! - United States (22)
41°F to 65°F

Weather in Nashville in november: Temperature, Rainfall, Sunshine... for November 2024! - United States (23)
45°F to 70°F

Weather in Nashville in november: Temperature, Rainfall, Sunshine... for November 2024! - United States (24)
52°F to 70°F

Weather in Nashville in november: Temperature, Rainfall, Sunshine... for November 2024! - United States (25)
52°F to 77°F

Weather in Nashville in november: Temperature, Rainfall, Sunshine... for November 2024! - United States (26)
59°F to 81°F

Weather in Nashville in november: Temperature, Rainfall, Sunshine... for November 2024! - United States (27)
61°F to 83°F

Weather in Nashville in november: Temperature, Rainfall, Sunshine... for November 2024! - United States (28)
61°F to 70°F

Weather in Nashville in november: Temperature, Rainfall, Sunshine... for November 2024! - United States (29)
49°F to 56°F

Weather in Nashville in november: Temperature, Rainfall, Sunshine... for November 2024! - United States (30)
47°F to 61°F

Weather in Nashville in november: Temperature, Rainfall, Sunshine... for November 2024! - United States (31)
52°F to 63°F

Weather in Nashville in november: Temperature, Rainfall, Sunshine... for November 2024! - United States (32)
49°F to 68°F

Weather in Nashville in november: Temperature, Rainfall, Sunshine... for November 2024! - United States (33)
50°F to 67°F

Weather in Nashville in november: Temperature, Rainfall, Sunshine... for November 2024! - United States (34)
54°F to 68°F

Weather in Nashville in november: Temperature, Rainfall, Sunshine... for November 2024! - United States (35)
56°F to 68°F

Weather in Nashville in november: Temperature, Rainfall, Sunshine... for November 2024! - United States (36)
63°F to 67°F

Weather in Nashville in november: Temperature, Rainfall, Sunshine... for November 2024! - United States (37)
49°F to 61°F

Weather in Nashville in november: Temperature, Rainfall, Sunshine... for November 2024! - United States (38)
43°F to 63°F

Weather in Nashville in november: Temperature, Rainfall, Sunshine... for November 2024! - United States (39)
54°F to 68°F

Weather in Nashville in november: Temperature, Rainfall, Sunshine... for November 2024! - United States (40)
58°F to 61°F

Weather in Nashville in november: Temperature, Rainfall, Sunshine... for November 2024! - United States (41)
47°F to 49°F

Weather in Nashville in november: Temperature, Rainfall, Sunshine... for November 2024! - United States (42)
40°F to 56°F

Weather in Nashville in november: Temperature, Rainfall, Sunshine... for November 2024! - United States (43)
45°F to 58°F

Weather in Nashville in november: Temperature, Rainfall, Sunshine... for November 2024! - United States (44)
38°F to 56°F

Weather in Nashville in november: Temperature, Rainfall, Sunshine... for November 2024! - United States (45)
45°F to 50°F

Weather in Nashville in november: Temperature, Rainfall, Sunshine... for November 2024! - United States (46)
32°F to 47°F

Weather in Nashville in november: Temperature, Rainfall, Sunshine... for November 2024! - United States (47)
32°F to 47°F

Weather in Nashville in november: Temperature, Rainfall, Sunshine... for November 2024! - United States (48)
31°F to 54°F

Weather in Nashville in november: Temperature, Rainfall, Sunshine... for November 2024! - United States (49)
40°F to 58°F

Map: other cities in the United States (USA) in november

Cities near Nashville:

Louisville (Kentucky) in novembervery bad weather
Memphis in novembertolerable weather
Atlanta in novembertolerable weather
Cincinnati in novembervery bad weather
Lake Martin (Alabama) in novembertolerable weather
Indianapolis in novembervery bad weather
St. Louis (Missouri) in novembervery bad weather
Arkansas in novembertolerable weather
Mississippi in novembertolerable weather
Missouri in novembervery bad weather
Illinois in novembervery bad weather
South Carolina in novembertolerable weather
United States in november: See full list of cities

Click over cities on the map for information about the weather in november.

Legend:Weather in Nashville in november: Temperature, Rainfall, Sunshine... for November 2024! - United States (50) NashvilleWeather in Nashville in november: Temperature, Rainfall, Sunshine... for November 2024! - United States (51) perfect weatherWeather in Nashville in november: Temperature, Rainfall, Sunshine... for November 2024! - United States (52) goodWeather in Nashville in november: Temperature, Rainfall, Sunshine... for November 2024! - United States (53) tolerableWeather in Nashville in november: Temperature, Rainfall, Sunshine... for November 2024! - United States (54) badWeather in Nashville in november: Temperature, Rainfall, Sunshine... for November 2024! - United States (55) very bad

Weather data for Nashville in november:

Weather data for Nashville for november are derived from an average of the weather forecast since 2009 in Nashville. There is a margin of error and these forecasts are to be considered as general information only. The weather in Nashville can vary slightly from year to year, but this data should limit surprises. So you can pack your bags or check for the best time in year to go to Nashville.

Weather in october in Nashville

Weather in december in Nashville

Weather in Nashville in november: Temperature, Rainfall, Sunshine... for November 2024! - United States (2024)


Weather in Nashville in november: Temperature, Rainfall, Sunshine... for November 2024! - United States? ›

In general, the average temperature in Nashville at the beginning of November is 67 °F. As the month progressed, temperatures tended to significantly cool down, reaching an average of 53 °F by the end of November. Nashville sees moderate rainfall in November, averaging 7 rainy days. New!

How warm is it in Nashville in November? ›

Nashville's monthly high, low, and average temperatures.
MonthAverage HighAverage Low
8 more rows

Does it rain in November in USA? ›

Rainfall is typically moderate, with occasional snowfall in higher elevations. In the central states, there is still a sufficient amount of sunshine, but rainfall tends to be limited. However, areas closer to the Gulf of Mexico may experience occasional thunderstorms.

What is the temperature in Nashville in October? ›

October Weather in Nashville Tennessee, United States. Daily high temperatures decrease by 11°F, from 77°F to 66°F, rarely falling below 53°F or exceeding 86°F. Daily low temperatures decrease by 10°F, from 57°F to 47°F, rarely falling below 34°F or exceeding 67°F.

Does it rain in November in Virginia? ›

The average sliding 31-day rainfall during November in Richmond is essentially constant, remaining about 3.1 inches throughout, and rarely exceeding 6.0 inches or falling below 0.6 inches.

What do you wear in Nashville in November? ›

As temperatures cool in the fall and temperatures return to the 60s and 70s, Nashville's fashion scene comes alive with cozy layers, rich textures, and earthy hues. Embrace the season's charm by incorporating plaid shirts, flannels, jeans, denim jackets, vests, and blazers. Again, remember those country boots.

What is the rainiest month in Nashville? ›

May is the wettest month in Nashville and June is far from the dryest.

Where is sunny in America in November? ›

Since Hawaii has a tropical climate, the weather in November will be warmer than in just about any place on the mainland. The average temperatures in November range from 84 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit.

What month does it rain the most in the US? ›

Statistically speaking, the answer is not really based on a national average. According to the National Centers for Environmental Information, April is actually the fifth wettest month in the U.S. June is the wettest month of the year on average and May 2015 was the wettest month in the history of the United States.

Is this the warmest November ever? ›

The average global land and ocean surface temperature for November 2023 was 2.59 degrees F (1.44 degrees C) above the 20th-century average of 55.2 degrees F (12.9 degrees C), which makes it the warmest November on record for NOAA.

What month is best to go to Nashville? ›


A late spring, summer or early fall visit to Nashville will allow travelers to enjoy the city and its attractions when the weather is the nicest. High average temperatures start in the low 70s, creep all the way up to the 90s in July and settle back in the low 70s by October.

How many days do you need in Nashville? ›

They book up in advance so don't try to do them last minute, especially if you're going on a weekend. I think Nashville is an ideal destination for 3-4-days. While most people come here to party, Nashville is a city that's more than just a weekend party destination. Spend some time here doing the non-party stuff.

Is Nashville busy in the fall? ›

Nashville is busiest when the weather is nice — usually from the late spring through early fall — and crowds tend to depart as winter's colder temperatures and general grayness set in. “From mid-November to February, things slow down.

What state is not too hot and not too cold? ›

Hawaii. It rarely ever gets above 85 degrees and rarely falls below 75 degrees. There aren't many better places than the tropical islands of Hawaii. This state is known for having consistent temperatures throughout the entire year.

What is the rainiest season in Virginia? ›

Winter is the “driest” period coming it at 9.35 inches of rain for our 30-year averages. Fall comes in as the second driest, but much wetter at 11.06 inches of rain. Spring comes in averaging 11.13 inches of rain. Summer tops the charts as the wettest season, coming in at 13.91 inches of rain per year.

Is Virginia a good place to live? ›

The Bottom Line on Living in Virginia

Virginia is a great place to live. It offers all four seasons, rich history and breathtaking natural scenery. There's an environment for nearly every homebuyer, with homes in rural communities, small towns and dense urban environments.

Nashville, Tennessee weather in NovemberWanderlog ›

The weather in Nashville in November is moderately chilly with a gentle breeze, with average highs of 59°F (15°C) and lows of 38°F (3°C).
This post provides details about what kind of weather to expect in Nashville throughout the month of November, including tips on things to do and what to wear.
Climate and Average Weather Year Round in Nashville Tennessee, United States. In Nashville, the summers are hot and muggy, the winters are very cold and wet, an...

Is it good to go to Nashville in November? ›

Nashville is busiest when the weather is nice — usually from the late spring through early fall — and crowds tend to depart as winter's colder temperatures and general grayness set in. “From mid-November to February, things slow down. It's a great time for a less crowded experience,” says Turner.

What is the warmest time of year in Nashville? ›

High average temperatures start in the low 70s, creep all the way up to the 90s in July and settle back in the low 70s by October. That said, Nashville's climate is extraordinarily fickle – from stifling humidity to thunderstorms – so you should pack for all types of weather conditions.

Is Nashville hot in the fall? ›

September in Nashville is pleasant, with high temperatures averaging 82F and lows averaging 62. In October, it's a bit cooler, with highs averaging 72F and lows averaging 49F. You're most likely to see lovely fall colors in October.

What are the coldest days in Nashville? ›

Jan. 21, 1985 – Nashville's lowest temperature on record at 17 degrees below zero.

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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.