What Fruits Go Well With Beetroot Juice? (2024)

Discover 9 of the Best Fruit combinations for Balanced, Nutritious Beet Juices

What Fruits Go Well With Beetroot Juice? (1)

Beetroot juice has surged in popularity thanks to studies showing it can improve heart health, lower blood pressure, and enhance exercise performance. The ruby red juice contains nitrates, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory compounds with these benefits. But some people find the earthy, dirt-like taste of beets off-putting, especially in juice form.

So what fruit goes well with beetroot juice?

Certain fruits pair beautifully with beets to create balanced, delicious juices. Oranges, berries, melons, apples, pineapple, grapes, and kiwi all combine exceptionally with beet juice. The sweet and tart notes from these fruits complement the earthy vegetable flavor.

Blending fruit into beetroot juice helps mellow out the intense earthy taste. This allows you to enjoy the nutritional benefits of beets without the polarizing flavor. It also results in a more diverse beverage with a wider range of nutrients.

This article will explore the best fruits that go well with beet juice and provide delicious beet juice recipe ideas. You’ll discover how to create flavorful, antioxidant-rich blends at home.

Why Combine Fruits with Beets for Juicing?

There are several reasons why mixing fruits into your beetroot juice is advantageous:

Complementary Flavors - The sweet and tart notes of fruits balance out and enhance the earthy, mineral-like flavors of beets. This results in a more palatable, nuanced flavor profile that is delicious rather than polarizing.

Increased Nutrition - By pairing beet and fruit juices, you get a wider range of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and nutrients in one wholesome beverage. The phytonutrients in fruits complement those found in vegetable beets.

Higher Juice Yields - Fruits generally have higher water and sugar content than vegetables. Adding fruit helps increase the overall quantity and volume of juice produced from your juicer.

Prevent Beet Fatigue - The strong, dirt-like taste of straight beet juice can quickly become overwhelming and unenjoyable. Blending in fruits adds diversity so you can enjoy beet’s benefits without getting burned out on the flavor.

Something for Everyone - Even vegetable-averse folks tend to enjoy fruity blends more thanks to their natural sweetness and variety. The fruits help make beet juice more universally palatable.

Mask Unpleasant Flavors - Certain fruits can help mask some of the harsher, more bitter notes in beets like oxalates. The sweet fruits make these compounds undetectable.

Balance Acidity - Although beets have an alkaline effect on the body, their juice can be slightly acidic. The pH-balancing fruits create a more neutral blended juice.

Now that we know why combining fruits and beets is advantageous, let’s explore some of the best fruits to mix into your beetroot juices.

What Fruits Goes Well With Beetroot Juice?

Below are some of the best fruits to pair with beetroot juice:

1. Citrus Fruits

Bright, refreshing citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruit, lemons, and limes all complement the earthy beet flavor. They add a tangy, tart note that helps cut through the vegetal taste.

Citrus also provides valuable vitamin C and antioxidants. Try combining beet with these juices in a 2:1 veggie-to-fruit ratio. The sweet citrus balances out the beets’ earthiness.

2. Berries

Juicy, antioxidant-rich berries like strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries taste fantastic blended with beets. Their vibrant sweet-tart flavor counters the strong beet earthiness.

Berries blend especially well with beets in juices. Their gentle fruit flavor doesn’t get overpowered. Aim for a 1:1 beet-to-berry ratio for a balanced earthy-sweet blend.

3. Melons

Hydrating, juicy melons such as honeydew, cantaloupe and watermelon also pair nicely with beets. Their high water content and gentle sweetness helps mellow out the bold beet flavor.

Melons are great for beet mixing because of their mild taste and high juice yield. Try using them in equal ratios to beets for a refreshing juice.

4. Apples

The crisp, mildly tart taste of apples balances beautifully with the beets’ earthy notes. Apples also add pectin fiber and a wider range of nutrients like vitamin C.

Thanks to their neutral flavor, apples complement beet juice without overpowering it. A 1:1 beet-to-apple ratio works well. Unpeeled apples provide more fiber and nutrients.

5. Pineapple

Pineapple’s tropical sweetness and juiciness help mask the strong flavor of beets. It also increases juice yields for a more blended beet-fruit beverage.

The bromelain enzyme in pineapple adds anti-inflammatory benefits as well. For beet-pineapple juice, use a 1:1 ratio or slightly more pineapple for a tropical flavor.

6. Grapes

Mild, sweet grapes pair nicely with beets to temper their earthy taste. The high water content also increases juice output.

Both red and green grapes work well in beet juice recipes.

Try a 2:1 beet-to-grape ratio for a sweeter flavor profile. Seedless varieties are easiest for juicing.

7. Kiwi

Vibrant, tangy kiwi offers enzymes, vitamin C, and a tropical note that complements beets’ flavor. The edible seeds also provide fiber.

For kiwi beet juice, use a 1:1 ratio or a slightly higher kiwi quantity. The sweet-tart kiwi helps mellow out the beets. Peel them for easier juicing.

8. Pears

Buttery, mildly sweet pears balance out beets’ earthy taste. They add fiber, vitamin C and a smooth texture.

Both Asian and European pears work for beet juice recipes. Aim for equal amounts of beets and pears. The soft fruit flesh juices easily.

9. Peaches

Juicy peaches lend a pleasant sweetness and blend of vitamins/minerals that pair well with beets. Their low acidity allows the beet flavor to still come through.

Use ripe peaches in a 1:1 ratio with beets for a sweet, smooth juice. The soft, delicate fruit gets easily absorbed.

Related article:

- What Fruits and Veggies Juice Well Together? 10 Tasty Combinations

- How to Make Beetroot Juice Taste Better: 5 Tips for Improving Flavor

Delicious Beet Juice Combos to Try

Now let’s look at some tasty beet juice recipes that use a variety of the best fruit pairings:

  • Beet, Carrot, Orange Juice - This classic combo contains 2 beets, 3 carrots and 1 orange for a sweet, earthy juice full of vitamin A.

  • Beet, Berry and Spinach Juice - For this vibrant purple blend, juice 2 beets with 1 cup berries and a handful of spinach.

  • Beet, Apple and Ginger Juice - Mix 2 beets, 1 apple and a 1-inch knob of ginger for a fiber-filled, zesty drink.

  • Beet, Pineapple and Grape Juice - Blend 2 beets with 1 cup pineapple and 1 cup grapes for a juicy tropical beet treat.

  • Beet, Kiwi and Strawberry Juice - Process 2 beets with 2 kiwis and 1 cup strawberries for a tangy, antioxidant-packed juice.

  • Beet, Honeydew Melon and Mint Juice - Juice 2 beets with 2 cups honeydew and a handful of mint leaves for a refreshing lightly sweet green drink.

  • Beet, Pomegranate and Lime Juice - For a vivid pink juice, combine 2 beets with seeds from 1 pomegranate and juice of 1 lime.

  • Beet, Peach and Basil Juice - Mix 2 beets, 2 peaches and a few basil leaves for a fruity, herbal beverage.

Feel free to get creative and experiment with your own fruit and beet juice combos using the produce you have on hand. Adjust beet-to-fruit ratios based on your flavor preferences. Many fruits pair beautifully with beets, so the possibilities are truly endless.

Related articles:

  • 10 Best Beetroot Juice Recipes



Enjoying the many health benefits of beetroot juice doesn’t mean you have to put up with its polarizing earthy flavor. By blending beet juice with complementary fruits, you can create delicious balanced beverages.

Fruits like citrus, berries, melons, apples, pineapple, grapes, kiwi, pears and peaches all mix exceptionally well with beets. Their sweet, tart notes help temper the intense vegetal taste of the beets.

Combining fruits and beets allows you to enjoy a wider range of vitamins, antioxidants and juice yields from your produce. The balanced flavors make beet juices more palatable so you can reap their nutrition without getting burned out.

So don’t be afraid to get creative and try out new beet and fruit juice blends. With the right combinations, you can concoct flavorful, vibrant elixirs that provide a nourishing burst of nutrients. Bottoms up!

About the Author:

Gavin is the owner of Tru Foo Juice bar. He has over 6 years experience of running a juice bar and creating juice and smoothie recipes for the consumer market.

What Fruits Go Well With Beetroot Juice? (2024)


Which fruit can be mixed with beetroot juice? ›

Certain fruits pair beautifully with beets to create balanced, delicious juices. Oranges, berries, melons, apples, pineapple, grapes, and kiwi all combine exceptionally with beet juice. The sweet and tart notes from these fruits complement the earthy vegetable flavor.

What does beet juice pair well with? ›

Fruits and Vegetables that Pair Well with Beets

Here are some of my favorite ingredients for beet juice blends: Fruits: oranges, grapefruit, lemon, lime, pineapple, mango, strawberries, raspberries, apples, pears. Veggies: carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, celery, spinach, kale, ginger, turmeric, parsley, mint.

What pairs with beetroot? ›

Also ingredients like dark chocolate, nuts, coffee or roasted onions have earthy flavors and pair well with beetroot. This could be explained by the presence of 'pyrazines', which are aromatic structures formed during the process of roasting ingredients. These pyrazines also contain an earthy smell.

What do you eat with beetroot juice? ›

Beets are nutritious no matter how you prepare them. If you don't like beet juice straight up, add some apple slices, mint, citrus, or a carrot to cut through the earthy taste. If you add beet juice to your diet, take it easy at first.

What is the best time to drink beetroot juice? ›

Morning. Drinking beetroot juice on an empty stomach in the morning can be beneficial. It helps in detoxification, boosts metabolism, and provides an energy boost to start the day.

Can Apple and beetroot be mixed together? ›

Yes, you can mix beetroot, apple, and peach in juice for glowing skin. Beetroot is rich in antioxidants and vitamins that help to improve blood circulation and give a natural glow to the skin. Apples are also rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, which helps to reduce inflammation and promote collagen production.

What is the best combination with beetroot? ›

Apples, carrots, oranges, and ginger are just a few examples of ingredients that can be added to your beetroot juice to create unique flavour profiles. Combining beetroots with other fruits or vegetables can add more flavour and variety to your juice.

Is there a downside to drinking beet juice? ›

Increased risk of kidney stones: Beet juice is high in compounds called oxalates. These naturally occurring compounds in urine can increase the risk of kidney stones if you have a tendency to develop them.

How many times a week should you drink beet juice? ›

Beet Juice Benefits

In some studies, drinking about 2 cups of beet juice daily or taking nitrate capsules lowered blood pressure in healthy adults. Beet juice may also help your stamina when you exercise. In one study, people who drank beet juice for 6 days had better stamina during intense exercise.

What fruit goes best with beetroot? ›

Fruit matches:
  • apples (or apple juice)
  • citrus, juice or zest (lemon, orange, lemon, lime, grapefruit etc.)
  • pomegranate.
Nov 18, 2015

What is the best companion for beets? ›

Suitable beet companion plants include:
  • Broccoli.
  • Brussels sprouts.
  • Bush beans.
  • Cabbage.
  • Cauliflower.
  • Chard.
  • Kohlrabi.
  • Lettuce.
Feb 17, 2023

What happens if we drink beetroot juice daily morning? ›

Beetroot juice can support digestion first thing in the morning and keep the body flowing as it should. It offers a rich source of betaine that works to increase stomach acid levels needed to support digestion. Beet juice is also packed with minerals and vitamins to support the digestive and immune systems.

What can I mix with beet juice to make it taste better? ›

Bright citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruits, lemons, and limes help lighten up the dense, earthy nature of beet juice. Use just a teaspoon or two of zest to impart vibrant citrusy notes without overpowering the beets. A squeeze of juice is also refreshing. Start with a 2:1 beet-to-citrus ratio.

Is it better to drink beetroot juice hot or cold? ›

Is beetroot hot or cold for the body? - Quora. They think it's especially helpful in cold weather. But here's the thing: there's no real proof for this idea. In fact, one study showed that drinking beetroot juice didn't change body temperature in people who get cold easily.

What drink pairs well with beets? ›

With sweet, caramelized roasted beets, he recommends, “a fruity, medium-bodied wine with earthy tones and no to little new oak, such as Beaujolais Cru from South Burgundy, Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir and Nerello Mascalese from Sicily.

Can I mix beetroot with pineapple? ›

This Beet Pineapple Juice has been a favorite for years. Sweet pineapple and beet pairs well with refreshing cucumber and zesty ginger. The combination is good for you—and tasty too! Make this hydrating and healthy juice anytime you want extra nourishment.

Can we drink apple and beetroot juice daily? ›

Individually, apple, carrot, and beetroot are super healthy for our body but when drunk together as a combination it can do wonders. Read on to know how drinking this juice everyday can help you improve your overall health.

Can we drink beetroot juice with lemon? ›

The combination of beetroot, lemon, and raw turmeric may offer various health benefits. Beetroot is known for its ability to lower blood pressure, improve athletic performance, and support liver health. Lemon and turmeric both have anti-inflammatory properties and may help reduce inflammation in the body.

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